Whakatūwheratanga o Te Ao Mārama
What a way to start the New Year - last Friday (17th January) was the whakatūwheratanga (opening) at Te Ao Mārama – attended by Te Wānanga o
Aotearoa team, Ngati Toa Rangatira, Porirua city Mayor ,
some of the design team, a few of our subcontractors and from the Aoraki team: Gazelle
Moinfar, Steve Kessell, Lance Wallis, Caroline
Anderson, Harry Bampton, Beckie McKinney, Herc Pona, Chief Paki, and Director Chris Goldsbury.
This was a really special morning, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa put on a Hāngī, Crayfish, and raw fish salad, welcomed their community into the
space, and showed their gratitude to everyone involved.
There was some mega hard mahi that went into completing Te Ao Mārama on time and to the high standard of finish that was achieved, and our
team thoroughly enjoyed it – in fact, it has been one of Project Manager Gazelle
Moinfar's favourite projects to date!
Thanks for a really rewarding experience Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, it has been a pleasure working with and for you once again.