Aoraki Women in Construction
This week is Women in Construction week, and we can’t let it go by without mentioning how much we appreciate the women contingent of the
Aoraki Whanau. In the still very male-dominated world of construction, I’m happy to be able to say that amongst our very capable team almost 30% of us are women. This 30% hold roles across the business, in fact, we currently have women at the helm of our highest value contract, Aro living, taking charge as Project and Site Manager and delivering a stellar job.
Our commercial team are 50% women, though we’d love to tip the balance with another Senior Quantity Surveyor so if you think you know the
right person point her in our direction… Our fantastic women project coordinators span from the highly experienced to those brand-new to
construction, and we’re enjoying the fresh eyes that they bring while we show them the ropes! Our on the ground site team of hoist operators
and labourers are out there every day working hard and adding value – a huge huge thank you to them as let’s be honest, this is where the gender divide remains pretty entrenched in the wider industry. And our support staff, always busy, keeping us going, couldn’t be without
Thank you to all of you. For choosing construction, and Aoraki. We reckon it’s a pretty great place to be and it wouldn’t be the same
without all of you!